Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tracfone Text Messaging - How Much Does it Cost?

What does it cost to Text?

Sending a Text message with a Tracfone phone is simple. With the newer prepaid Tracfones you will pay .3 Minutes per text for sending and receiveing. The cost is relative to the price you are paying per minute. If you are paying 33 cents a puny then you are paying 11 cents each. If you are paying 8.8 cents per Tracfone puny then you are paying 3 cents per message. The older Tracfones cost .5 units each way. There were a join of older Tracfones that only charged to send, and free to receive texts. The Nokia 1100 is a free text receiver.

Lg Phone

Does Tracfone have Camera Phones?

Tracfone Text Messaging - How Much Does it Cost?

Tracfone has a join Camera phones. The The Lg 225, the Lg 600g, and the Motorola W376 are all camera phones with Dmfl. These Dmfl camera Tracfones work on the Gsm networks.

What does it cost to send Pictures with Tracfone?

You will be charged one puny and the time it takes to send your picture. The cost is commonly three to five minutes per photo sent. You will be charged if the photo goes through or not. If you are in the area code where your phone is registered and your Tracfone is not roaming the photo messaging has a great opportunity of working. If your phone is roaming your photo will not work a lot of times.

What is the Tracfone Value Plan?

The Tracfone Value Plan is a self-operating monthly pay plan. Sign up for the Value plan and your credit or debit card will be billed every month for a set number of minutes. I would advise just signing up for the smallest self-operating billing amount. You can add more minutes any time at the same rate with Value Bundles. The Tracfone Value Plan rate is 20/10 cents per minute.

Auto billing reminds me of a compact phone. You can often get a great deal by buying a phone and one year card and using a bonus code or adding a Tracfone card every three months and using bonus coupons.

What is Tracfone Refer-a-Friend Program?

Tracfone Refer a friend was a program that Tracfone Wireless had. Referring a friend got both phones got 100 free Tracfone minutes. Many citizen were referring themselves and getting thousands of minutes. I got several thousand free minutes with Tracfone Refer a Friend. This program was meant to put Tracfones out into the hands of new Tracfone users. Refer a friend was discontinued in 2006.

Tracfone Text Messaging - How Much Does it Cost?

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